Intercultural Education and Training in preschools
Pädagogische Fachkräfte aus Island zu Besuch in Dortmund
Eine Woche lang informierten sich 16 Pädagoginnen aus der Stadt Reykjavík über die interkulturelle Erziehung und Bildung im Vorschulbereich in Dortmund beim Verein CHANCENGLEICH in Europa e.V. Die Gruppe war insbesondere an der langen Migrationsgeschichte der Stadt und den Erfahrungen im pädagogischen Bereich interessiert. Die Teilnehmerinnen nahmen wichtige Ideen und Anregungen mit. Die Gruppe besuchte u.a. das Haus der Vielfalt, die Ausstellung „Onkel Hasan und die Generation der Enkel“ 2 FABIDO Kindertageseinrichtungen, die Kita Krümelstube, die landesweite Koordinierungsstelle der kommunalen Integrationszentren, das Gisbert von Romberg Berufskolleg und den Verein Train of Hope e.V. Überall wurde die Gruppe herzlich empfangen und es fand ein reger Austausch statt.
The objectives of the course are to raise awareness among preschool teachers, educational managers and consultants for migration as a global phenomenon in all countries of the world. In times of demographic changes and shortage of skilled labor – it becomes increasingly urgent to integrate all children, also those with migrant back ground into educational and professional systems and recognize their professional potential and skills. Too often the systems fail to support these children, to recognize their e.g. multilingual skills and to advance their potential. Participants will learn about the challenges concerning immigration and integration for the educational systems and about chances and opportunities that migration and diversity offers and the significance of inter cultural competences as an important key competence. Experiences and concepts of preschools, primary schools and associations working in the field of intercultural education will be presented.
The aim of the training is to learn about the educational, intercultural working in kindergartens in Dortmund and the neighborhood and aboutthe German School Education system.
The programme involves vistis to 2 multicultural preschools, that provide integrative educational work and some exchange with the preschool teachers.
-[ Solution-oriented, cross-cultural concepts for your educational work in the field of intercultural work in primary-schools
-[ Possibilities to expand your foreign language competence.
Theoretical contributions, individual and group-work, discussions in plenary, games, practical exercises, short presentations and study visits.
Week program
Day 1
Arrival. Getting together, an introduction of the course program and a group dinner.
Day 2
Warm up-creating a trustfully work environment.
The German Educational system. Introduction to the topic of migration. Migration movements in Europe and especially in Germany / Ruhr-area. Migration politics in the EU. Dealing with migration. Challenges and opportunities for educational and vocational systems. National concepts in regards to education of young children with migrant background in pre-schools. Visit to a Multicultural Preschool in Dortmund: Presentation of the pedagogical concepts of the pre-school. Discussion with staff members.
Walking sightseeing tour in Dortmund.
Day 3
Intercultural sensitization training.
Opportunities of migration. Change of perspectives. Positive resource orientated aspects of diversity. Practical ways and methods to overcome barriers and achieve better integration of the target group in educational and occupational systems. Good Practice.
Visit to he Competence Center for Integration, department “Early Education and intercultural development in elementary education”.
Day 4
Inclusive teaching methods-an overview. Importance of intercultural competences of educational staff. Exercises. Political role of migrant organizations in relation to integration.
Visit to the migrant umbrella organization VMDO in Dortmund - department “Children and Youth” (Kinder der Vielfalt)
Day 5
Problems and barriers especially for low-skilled migrants in accessing educational centers and educational opportunities. Ways and methods to reach migrants and their potential. Intercultural opening of adult educational institutions. Participants create a plan for their organizations on reaching migrants and involve their experience and knowledge into their organizations aims. Group work to create a strategy for the achievement and participation of migrants in adult education.
Visit to a Multicultural preschool in Dortmund: Presentation of the pedagogical concepts of the pre-school. Discussion with staff members.
Afternoon: Visit to the multicultural city of Cologne.
Day 6
Presentation of the results of the group work. How to implement the new ideas and methods back home? Course Evaluation.
Day 7